【實用教育app】Study Econ McConnell 2e|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Study Econ McConnell 2e|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Study Econ McConnell 2e-APP點子

The Study Econ app that accompanies your Economics Brief Edition, Second Edition, by McConnell, textbook will allow you to study on the go… whether you’re waiting for a class to start, sitting on a bus, or just lounging on the couch. An in-app purchase allows access to all the chapters in the app.

Features of the Study Econ mobile app include:

【免費教育App】Study Econ McConnell 2e-APP點子

– Flashcards of every key term and definition from the textbook, and are customizable by chapters.

【免費教育App】Study Econ McConnell 2e-APP點子

– Basic math review for those pesky formulas we sometimes forget. For example, how do you calculate a percent increase? Not sure? Well, it’s in the app!

【免費教育App】Study Econ McConnell 2e-APP點子

– Customizable self-quizzes that allow for more practice and feedback.

【免費教育App】Study Econ McConnell 2e-APP點子

– Matching game that helps learning key terms and concepts more engaging and fun!

– Search tool to look up any key term or concept found anywhere in the app.

The free version includes all the features of the app for first three chapters of microeconomics and macroeconomics. Obtaining access to the remaining chapters is completed through an in-app purchase.

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