【實用教育app】Study Package Chemistry iphone|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Study Package Chemistry iphone|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Study Package Chemistry iphone-APP點子

The Objective of this Study Package app is to help students (up to year 8), study and remember some of the concepts of Chemistry, in an entertaining and interactive way! Prof. Eggtop Ph.D and Gerald will help you when they can.The Study Package series is now being used in schools all over the world. High School students are enjoying the fun animations within the topics covered, as well as it provoking further discussions in class.The topics covered in this Chemistry Study Package are:Properties of MatterSolutions and MixturesAtoms and MoleculesParticle TheoryPeriodic Table, etc...This application is meant to be used in conjunction with class notes, text books and teacher’s guidance.The key to this Study Package Series is repetition. The more times you go through the app, the better chance you have of remembering stuff for your exams. GOOD LUCK!The Study Package series is also available on the ipad.

【免費教育App】Study Package Chemistry iphone-APP點子

【免費教育App】Study Package Chemistry iphone-APP點子

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