【實用教育app】Swedish Flip - Flashcards with Progress Tracking|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Swedish Flip - Flashcards with Progress Tracking|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Swedish Flip - Flashcards with Progress Tracking-APP點子

Swedish Flip is a learning tool similar to flashcards, but with an intelligent progress tracking system that helps you learn faster. After you "flip" to the answer, you pick if you were Right or Wrong. The program remembers which words you have trouble with, and which you have learned well. It focuses on the problematic items, while using longer spans of time between repetitions of learned material. - OVER 350 SWEDISH WORDS- PROGRESS TRACKING with stats & auto save - BROWSE MODE lets you review all words - "HOW TO" GUIDE inside the program - COMPLETELY OFFLINE - LEARN FASTER WITH THE "FLIP SYSTEM" The Flip progressive learning system really works. People learn the words so quickly that they get addicted. It's fun, and some have said it's nearly a game. Read about the Flip system and the great reviews its gotten for Kanji Flip and Japanese Flip for yourself! <<< ALSO AVAILABLE >>> KANA FLIP (HIRAGANA & KATAKANA) KANJI FLIP (2230 KANJI & 4700 EXAMPLES) JAPANESE FLIP (6000 JLPT WORDS) RUSSIAN (1500 WORDS + AUDIO) RUSSIAN FLIP (5000 WORDS) RUSSIAN ALPHABET + AUDIO KOREAN (1500 WORDS + AUDIO) HANGUL (KOREAN ALPHABET + AUDIO) THAI (900 WORDS) FLAG FLIP & WORLD FACTS (227 FLAGS) GREEK ALPHABET UKRAINIAN ALPHABET ARMENIAN ALPHABET HEBREW ALPHABET

【免費教育App】Swedish Flip - Flashcards with Progress Tracking-APP點子

【免費教育App】Swedish Flip - Flashcards with Progress Tracking-APP點子

【免費教育App】Swedish Flip - Flashcards with Progress Tracking-APP點子

【免費教育App】Swedish Flip - Flashcards with Progress Tracking-APP點子

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Swedish Flip - Flashcards with Progress Tracking APP QRCode

Swedish Flip - Flashcards with Progress Tracking QRCode-APP點子
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