【實用健康app】SwimDraft Pro|最夯免費app

【實用健康app】SwimDraft Pro|最夯免費app


【免費健康App】SwimDraft Pro-APP點子

SwimDraft: Swim workout search, creation and logging for serious swimmers, triathletes and coaches.

Try the free version first to make sure it works on your device! Buy this version to support future improvements.

SwimDraft lets you track your swim workouts and share your workouts with others. You can email workouts you have written to friends or members of your team. SwimDraft is perfect for swim coaches on deck creating workouts and age group swimmers and masters who would like to track their training over time. Triathletes can also take advantage of tracking their swimming progress.

If you have ever wanted to keep a training log for competitive swimming or triathlon training this app was made with you in mind.


Use this app to record the workouts you give your team. Mark each workout as Shared in the workout editor. Your swimmers can now find and use your workouts with the Find Workouts feature.

Key features:

【免費健康App】SwimDraft Pro-APP點子

- Ad free version of SwimDraft Free with Find Workouts enabled

- Search for workouts shared by other SwimDraft users

【免費健康App】SwimDraft Pro-APP點子

- Create and edit an unlimited number of workouts

- View performance metrics for your workouts

【免費健康App】SwimDraft Pro-APP點子

- Share workouts with other swimmers via email right from your phone

- Works in offline mode for those times that you are at the indoor pool and don’t have a reliable network connection

【免費健康App】SwimDraft Pro-APP點子

- All workouts are stored online and can be accessed from the companion web site (http://swimdrafter.appspot.com)

- Workouts can be viewed and printed from your desktop computer via the web interface

Find Workouts: you can now share workouts with others by clicking Shared in the workout editor. This allows other users to discover your workouts with the Find Workouts feature.

App sales pay for hosting fees and additional feature development.

About the Author

My name is Ben Uphoff and I wrote this app because I have always wanted a way to track my workouts but have never seen an alternative other than a spreadsheet. Since I always have my phone with me at the pool it just makes sense to track my workouts right after I do them at the pool. I swam all through college and am an active Masters swimmer as well. I have coached summer league, club and high school. When I am not at the pool or playing with my dogs and kids I am an assistant professor at Milwaukee School of Engineering.

Additional Information

A Google Account (GMail) is required to use this app and take advantage of the web interface and workout sharing capabilities. This beta version is free to use. Please send me feedback at uphoff@gmail.com to help improve this app.

Your personal information will never be used for anything other than providing you access to the services provided by SwimDraft.

【免費健康App】SwimDraft Pro-APP點子

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