



3D Golf Swing Analysis with Auto-Video Capture


The award winning SwingTIP® is the industry’s most complete, effective and easy-to-use mobile golf swing analysis and training system on the market. In only 10-15 minutes of practice per day, SwingTIP can help you master swing mechanics so you can hit the ball farther, straighter and more consistently than ever before.

Download the Free App today! Go to "Review" to see Demo Swings/Videos from regular golfers as well as PGA Pro Craig Stadler and Coach Jeff Ritter.

SwingTIP is an innovative Bluetooth-enabled 3D motion sensor device that clips onto a golf club shaft and wirelessly transmits real-time golf swing analysis to your Android phone or tablet (4.0+). Designed with leading golf experts including PGA Pro Craig Stadler, SwingTIP delivers the ultimate interactive and visual learning experience showing you what happened, why it happened and how to fix it.

* Visually examine and compare a photo-exact animation of your swing from three angles alongside club head impact metrics

* Auto-record a video of your swing so you can examine your setup, body posture, arms, grip and final stance

* See instructor-style power and plane analysis that pinpoints strengths and flaws on nine swing aspects

* Learn and improve with instruction tips and videos and track your progress with scorecards and MySwingTIP.com

3D Swing – Impact Metrics


* Visually examine a photo-exact animation of your swing from three angles (target, front, top)

* Star best swings as a reference swing (one for each club-type)

* See club head impact metrics: club head speed, swing path, club face angle, impact zone, and swing tempo

* Review tips and practice drill videos from Golf Teacher Ray Leach

* Track and share your progress with electronic scorecards


* Wirelessly sync data to a free MySwingTIP.com account to see performance and trend reports

Auto-Video & Audio Capture

* Uses the front-facing camera so golfers can view their stance & posture before taking a swing (mirror view)

* Auto-records videos swing-after-swing

* Audio recording allows a golfer to comment on their swing or ball flight details as part of the video

* Auto-trims videos consistently every time – no non-essential footage


* Auto-plays captured videos after capture for review – no need to change stance

* Video playback allows for examination of all aspects of the swing

* Easily share a video via email or Facebook with friends or coach

Power and Plane Analytics

* Instructor-style assessment of swing power and plane across five checkpoints: address, takeaway, top of swing, halfway through downswing and impact

* Pinpoints strengths and flaws across nine swing aspects: lie angle at address, takeaway, top of backswing plane, downswing plane, power load/backswing length, power store/release point, power at impact, transition and arc of swing


* Review tips and practice drill videos from Golf Teacher Jeff Ritter

Download the SwingTIP Android App Guide to learn more about the app features at www.swingtip.com/page/support

Thank you for your interest. If you have any feedback or questions, please reach out to us directly at support@swingtip.com. Look for regular updates with exciting new features to help you master your swing technique for better enjoyment of the game.

*** Important Note ***

In order to use this application, you must have a SwingTIP Wireless Golf Swing Analyzer. If you do not have one yet, please visit us at www.SwingTIP.com to find a retail store near you or to purchase one on our website.


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