【實用通訊app】SwyxIt! Mobile 2011|最夯免費app

【實用通訊app】SwyxIt! Mobile 2011|最夯免費app


【免費通訊App】SwyxIt! Mobile 2011-APP點子

The SwyxIt! Mobile App allows you to have full access to your SwyxWare telephony environment even while traveling, and you can still be reached by one central number if you wish.

##### Note: You must have SwyxWare 2011 R2 with SwyxWebAccess 2011 R2 and corresponding SwyxMobile licenses in order to use SwyxIt! Mobile. #####

SwyxIt! Mobile is an application optimized for Android Smartphones, setting up a connection via GPRS, UMTS or WLAN to the SwyxServer. This is a requirement for the use of SwyxIt! Mobile. After logging on to the server, you have access to the Global Phonebook and your Personal Phonebook, as well as your Caller and Redial lists.

For each entry in these lists, you obtain full contact details such as phone numbers, e-mail address, even an image for the contact. You can initiate further actions from these details, such as calling the contact or sending an e-mail.

Within the global contacts in the Swyx Contact Center Mobile, the current status ("logged on", "logged off", "speaking", "away" or "do not disturb") is shown for every SwyxWare user in your company. Since it is possible to present the global phonebooks of multiple SwyxServers in a unified form, cross-server status signaling is achieved.

The features of SwyxIt! Mobile at a glance:

- Connection to the Swyx Mobile Extension Manager (MEM) via GSM, IP connection to SwyxServer

- "One Number" concept for incoming and outgoing calls

【免費通訊App】SwyxIt! Mobile 2011-APP點子

- Access to central phonebooks and caller lists, including presence information

- Access your local phone contacts to make calls via SwyxServerServer

【免費通訊App】SwyxIt! Mobile 2011-APP點子

- Set your own status /status text

- Telephony functions such as call transfer, inquiry, conference, recording via function codes

【免費通訊App】SwyxIt! Mobile 2011-APP點子

- E-mail receipt of voicemail and fax messages

- Fast Dial via IP connection

【免費通訊App】SwyxIt! Mobile 2011-APP點子

- Requirement: Android 2.3.3 or higher

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免費玩SwyxIt! Mobile 2011 App

SwyxIt! Mobile 2011 APP LOGO

SwyxIt! Mobile 2011 LOGO-APP點子

SwyxIt! Mobile 2011 APP QRCode

SwyxIt! Mobile 2011 QRCode-APP點子
Google Play
App Store


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