【實用生活app】TC Offline - Free, No Ads|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】TC Offline - Free, No Ads|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】TC Offline - Free, No Ads-APP點子

TC Offline allows you to read Thought Catalog in a mobile-friendly format, archiving recent articles for offline access. Whether you're underground on the subway or in the air on a flight, you'll always be able to catch up on Thought Catalog.

This app is FREE and includes NO ADVERTISING (beyond what the website itself may reference), allowing you to focus on Thought Catalog.


- Reimagining of Thought Catalog design:

Articles are custom-formatted to be mobile-friendly. The app implements modern Holo design elements throughout. Looks great on tablets as well.

- Offline access:

The 25 most recent articles posted to Thought Catalog are available through the app, and will refresh on-demand or every 24 hours.

- Easily share with friends:

【免費生活App】TC Offline - Free, No Ads-APP點子

Share each article via text message, Gmail, Facebook, Reddit, etc.

-Intuitive navigation

Simply swipe from left to right to navigate between articles. No need to deal with clumsy buttons.

- Light on data, heavy on entertainment:

The app's minimalist design theme is reflected in the use of system resources; the app generally uses less than 30 MB of RAM. The app will refresh articles only when you want -- when you manually refresh the articles, or when you open the app (if the articles are more than 24 hours old).

- Continue browsing online:

Easily continue reading when you have exhausted the articles available on your phone.


【免費生活App】TC Offline - Free, No Ads-APP點子


Reason: Detect whether an active internet connection is available.


Reason: Retrieve Thought Catalog articles.


Reason: Save recent articles to the phone for offline use.


【免費生活App】TC Offline - Free, No Ads-APP點子

Reason: Access articles which were saved to the phone.


All articles and associated content are produced by Thought Catalog, not the developer (OneSchirm). The developer has no relationship to Thought Catalog or thoughtcatalog.com. Articles are available on the Thought Catalog website, as well as other redistribution platforms, ie RSS feeds and Tumblr.

Third Party Libraries:

http://actionbarsherlock.com, ActionBarSherlock- Jake Wharton

http://viewpagerindicator.com, ViewPagerIndicator - Jake Wharton

【免費生活App】TC Offline - Free, No Ads-APP點子

https://github.com/nhaarman/ListViewAnimations, ListViewAnimations - Niek Haarman

http://jsoup.org/, Jsoup - Jonathan Hedley

https://github.com/Prototik/HoloEverywhere, HoloEverywhere - Sergey Shatunov

【免費生活App】TC Offline - Free, No Ads-APP點子

免費玩TC Offline - Free, No Ads APP玩免費

免費玩TC Offline - Free, No Ads App

TC Offline - Free, No Ads APP LOGO

TC Offline - Free, No Ads LOGO-APP點子

TC Offline - Free, No Ads APP QRCode

TC Offline - Free, No Ads QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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