【實用通訊app】TV Web Browser|最夯免費app

【實用通訊app】TV Web Browser|最夯免費app


【免費通訊App】TV Web Browser-APP點子

The new TV Web Browser and widget deliver a faster, smoother Web experience while searching on your favorite websites & when browsing your stored bookmarks. Make the entire Web and your favorite TV channels, directly accessible to you with just 1 touch on your home screen. The unique start screen and widget conveniently provides fast access to TV networks, recent searches, your most visited websites and bookmarks:

• 1-touch access to all your favorite TV channels like NBC®, CBS®, The Fox® and more.

【免費通訊App】TV Web Browser-APP點子

• Enjoy TV shows, movies, news & more online on your tablet.

【免費通訊App】TV Web Browser-APP點子

• Search for full episodes of shows – American Idol®, The Walking Dead®, Person of Interest®, The Vampire Diaries®, Game of Thrones® and more.

【免費通訊App】TV Web Browser-APP點子

• Enjoy full free movies with free online streaming.

【免費通訊App】TV Web Browser-APP點子

• What are you waiting for? Start watching free TV programs or online movies today.

Users of Android™-based mobile phones and tablets will appreciate the streamlined, smart design of this browser that lets you make full use of your screen size, even in high resolutions.

Your bookmarks and most visited websites are automatically imported during installation from your default Internet browser, eliminating the need to search through difficult settings and menus. By installing the TV Web Browser and its widget you’ll have the smoothest, fastest and easiest way to visit and explore websites, enjoy intuitive search, and check email. Mobile Internet searches are a breeze with TV Web Browser.

Cool features:

【免費通訊App】TV Web Browser-APP點子

1. Widget – This unique innovation displays the four most visited websites right on the home screen. Using the Quick load feature takes you directly to your favorite sites with just 1 touch.

【免費通訊App】TV Web Browser-APP點子

2. Tabs – Using tabs makes browsing among multiple sites so much easier. Simply open multiple tabs and you can easily switch between them.

3. Browser history – Browse more safely and securely with a feature that lets you delete your browsing history simply and intuitively.

4. Fast – You’ll enjoy the lightning speed of this browser so you can immediately browse your favorite websites and get fast results from searching on the Internet.

5. Compatibility –The Web Search browser is uniquely designed for easy use on all Android™-based mobile phones such as: Xperia™ S, LG® Optimus®, Galaxy S®, Galaxy S® II, Galaxy S® III, Samsung Galaxy™ Nexus®, Galaxy Note®, HTC One®, HTC® Desire, Nexus 7™, Nexus® 10, Asus® Transformer, and Amazon® Kindle FireSM.

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