【實用工具app】Tablet Keyboard Free|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Tablet Keyboard Free|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Tablet Keyboard Free-APP點子

Keyboard designed specifically for Tablets!

【免費工具App】Tablet Keyboard Free-APP點子

Ergonomically designed for the best tablet experience!

- Need to type while holding the tablet? No problem! Convenient Split mode!

【免費工具App】Tablet Keyboard Free-APP點子

- Easily switch to a desktop-like full size keyboard with a single button!

【免費工具App】Tablet Keyboard Free-APP點子

- Computer keyboard-like layout - number keys and symbols the way it should be

【免費工具App】Tablet Keyboard Free-APP點子

- 6 keyboard types: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian, German

Making your tablet life pretty easy, in a pretty and easy way!


【免費工具App】Tablet Keyboard Free-APP點子


【免費工具App】Tablet Keyboard Free-APP點子

-SHIFT key can be either clicked once, or used like a computer keyboard (hold while pressing other keys)

【免費工具App】Tablet Keyboard Free-APP點子

-CAPSLOCK uppercases alphabet characters and keeps the numbers normal, just like a desktop keyboard

How to enable keyboard:

【免費工具App】Tablet Keyboard Free-APP點子

1. Open the Tablet Keyboard application to start the setup.

***Permission Warning

【免費工具App】Tablet Keyboard Free-APP點子

When you enable the keyboard, it will show a standard Android warning about the input method being able to collect the text you type. This is a standard warning which shows up for ALL third party keyboards. Obviously, a keyboard application needs to know what you are typing, otherwise it won't work. There is nothing to worry about as Tablet Keyboard does not collect or record any personal information. There isn't a single keyboard out there that won't display this message. As an added assurance, Tablet Keyboard requires no other special permissions (i.e. external storage, network permission).

Keywords: tablet keyboard Tablet keyboard tablet Tablet full size nexus7 keyboard nexus 7 keyboard nexus 10 keyboard nexus10 keyboard Asus transformer keyboard fullsize keyboard thumb keyboard side keyboard split keyboard big keyboard easy convenient ergonomic

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Tablet Keyboard Free APP LOGO

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Tablet Keyboard Free APP QRCode

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Google Play



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