【實用策略app】Tactics Maiden RPG|最夯免費app

【實用策略app】Tactics Maiden RPG|最夯免費app


【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

Tactics Maiden is a fast-paced, turn-based strategy RPG where the player has to conquer enemy outposts scattered throughout the battlefield.

[Toucharcade 4.5 / 5]: "Tactics Maiden is an excellent strategy RPG that any fan of the genre should try out."

[Pocket Gamer 8 / 10]: "Super old-school, but it proves SRPGs still have plenty of depth and charm".

What sets Tactics Maiden apart is a strong enemy AI and flexible character builds with skill points that can be redistributed at will.

Each battle presents its very own challenges, so the player has to refine his strategies and his army of heroes and mercenaries constantly.

All player units are carried over from scenario to scenario, and the units can be customized to a high degree: A complex skill system, more than 1000 equipable items, customized unit names.

Tactics Maiden comprises a compelling medieval fantasy story connecting all 85 scenarios, as well as 36 unique character classes, and over 70 special skills like 'Heal', 'Shield Allies', 'Ambush', or 'Magic Missile'.

Thanks to its 5 difficulty settings that can be adjusted mid-game, Tactics Maiden is suited for both novice players and veteran strategy gamers.

The first 8 scenarios are free to play. The full game can be unlocked with a one-time in-app purchase.

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

【免費策略App】Tactics Maiden RPG-APP點子

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