【實用商業app】Talk by Teambition - for team communication|最夯免費app

【實用商業app】Talk by Teambition - for team communication|最夯免費app


【免費商業App】Talk by Teambition - for team communication-APP點子

Talk is a Team communication tool developed by Teambition. You can initiate a topic with your team members on Talk, or invite anyone to join in the topic. Your chat history will automatically sync across platforms. ## Initiate topicsInitiate a topic on Talk, and invite your team members to join in. You can mention any team member in any conversation with @, just like using Twitter. ## Support Teambition accountIf you are using Teambition Business, you don’t even need to add team members individually. All your team members are already there on Talk, even though this is the first time you try it.## Chat history will be synced across devicesAll your chat history will be safely saved on the cloud and synced across your devices. You can check out any public conversation anytime you like, even the topic is created before you join in.

【免費商業App】Talk by Teambition - for team communication-APP點子

【免費商業App】Talk by Teambition - for team communication-APP點子

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