【實用生產應用app】Tap for WiFi|最夯免費app

【實用生產應用app】Tap for WiFi|最夯免費app


【免費生產應用App】Tap for WiFi-APP點子

The “Tap for WiFi” app allows you to connect to a WiFi network by a simple tap of the NFC Tag.

The NFC Tag (N-Mark) is the place where you need to Tap your smartphone. The NFC Tags are usually placed on the NFC smartposter.

The “Tap for WiFi” app works on the NFC non-compatible smartphones by utilizing the QR Scanner. The smartphone switches to QR scan mode and once the QR is scanned it connects to the WiFi network.

http://TapOrScan.net is specialized in providing NFC Solutions. It has a variety of NFC products of the shelf / custom made to enable customer engagement, customer assistantship. Visit our website to understand many other related products that we have in our portfolio. If you are interested to reach out to us at sales@taporscan.net for a NFC solution

Step by Step (on NFC enabled smartphones)

a. Unlock the screen.

b. Tap your smartphone on the object with “N-Mark” and the smartphone vibrates/ rings to indicate the activity start.

c. You will be connected to the Wi-Fi network.

Step by Step (on NFC non-compatible smartphones)

a. Unlock the screen.

b. Touch the app launcher icon to launch the app.

c. Scan the QR code next to the N-Mark and the smartphone vibrates/ rings to indicate the activity start.

【免費生產應用App】Tap for WiFi-APP點子

d. You will be connected to the Wi-Fi network.

In case of any issue, check the following.

a. Check if the NFC is enabled on your smartphone.

b. Check if the screen is not unlocked when you tap the N-Mark. Unlock the screen and try.

c. Check if your smartphone case is creating an interruption to read NFC tag at the N-Mark. Remove the case and try.

d. The NFC Tag might have an interruption on the base where it is placed, inform the issue at support@taporscan.in

e. The NFC Tag might have been damaged, inform the issue at support@taporscan.in

【免費生產應用App】Tap for WiFi-APP點子


The N mark is a trademark or registered trademark of NFC Forum, Inc.

【免費生產應用App】Tap for WiFi-APP點子

免費玩Tap for WiFi APP玩免費

免費玩Tap for WiFi App

Tap for WiFi APP LOGO

Tap for WiFi LOGO-APP點子

Tap for WiFi APP QRCode

Tap for WiFi QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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