【實用教育app】Teacher's Assistant: Classroom Management Notes|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Teacher's Assistant: Classroom Management Notes|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Teacher's Assistant: Classroom Management Notes-APP點子

Check out one of the best time-saving classroom management apps around!Teachers are expected to document almost all student and parent interaction. Keep all this information at your fingertips with Teacher's Assistant.Teacher's Assistant allows teachers to document student actions and achievements in the classroom. The free version allows you to use with an unlimited number of students and up to 5 actions per student. Try before you buy!Listed "What's Hot" by Apple, Featured in USA TODAY as one of the "best teacher apps"!, TeacherCast.net, Classroom 2.0 LIVE!"This is definitely a MUST HAVE app for classroom teachers. The features allow me to quickly document both concerns and accolades for students. I can immediately contact parents via email with the push of a button"- Michael in Georgia "My paperwork has been cut down by more than half"- Yvonne in California. "I have wanted the ability to have an anecdotal record for parent conference purposes"- Judy in Ohio Communicate quickly and easily with parents via iPhone or iPad. The app is used by nearly 100,000 teachers from around the world. Teacher's Assistant stores the data you enter, and when you're ready to contact the parent or have a conference, you have all the data you need. The app stores the name of the infraction/accolade, the date and time, where it occurred, any pictures you attached, which class period, a detailed description, what teacher action was issued (and if it was served), and whether the parent had been notified. You can also share data with other Teacher's Assistant Pro users via email, dropbox, or backup your data in iTunes. You can also export all your student action records via email or dropbox. • Email student actions to administrators and parents easily and quickly • Use colors and points for documentation • Print actions • Call/text parents right away • Store parent names and student contact info • Add a photo to any action for more thorough documentation • Filter your students by class, action, or just about anything • Use random student lists and groups for class participation (Randomizer) • Easily enter details • Send announcements to all students or pick classes using Email Blast • Edit, customize, add or hide any field • Change just about any text in the app to suite your needs • Add a secure PIN to open the app • Video Help available on the main screen • Delete all actions without deleting students for easy "end of term" clean-up • Made by a teacher (who still teaches), for other teachers Please contact me directly at chris@cleveriosapps.com if you have any issues or problems which would have you leave less than a 5 star review. Your reviews allow great new features & regular updates.

【免費教育App】Teacher's Assistant: Classroom Management Notes-APP點子

【免費教育App】Teacher's Assistant: Classroom Management Notes-APP點子

【免費教育App】Teacher's Assistant: Classroom Management Notes-APP點子

【免費教育App】Teacher's Assistant: Classroom Management Notes-APP點子

【免費教育App】Teacher's Assistant: Classroom Management Notes-APP點子

【免費教育App】Teacher's Assistant: Classroom Management Notes-APP點子

【免費教育App】Teacher's Assistant: Classroom Management Notes-APP點子

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