【實用個人化app】Tech Zooper Widget Skin|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】Tech Zooper Widget Skin|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】Tech Zooper Widget Skin-APP點子

Are you looking for a unique and high-tech music player for your music? Here it is! This is Tech, a skin for Zooper Widget Pro.

This is not a stand-alone application, you need Zooper Widget Pro in order to install it!

You'll also need Media Utilities to make all your music info to show up!

How to:

Download and install Zooper Widget Pro

Download and install Media Utilities

Download and install Tech skin

Place an empty zooper widget on your homescreen and click on it, then you'll see Tech skin in the option, just choose it and you'll be able to install the widgets

How to set the skin:

-You have 3 widgets inside the skin apk (1 4x4 (middle), 1 4x2,(upper) 1 4x2 (bottom)

-So make sure you place the correct zooper widget (in size) on your home before choosing on of the 3 Tech widgets.

- You can also look at the screenshots in the app description to see how the 3 widgets are place and how they're streched in order to achieve the shape in the very first screenshot!

【免費個人化App】Tech Zooper Widget Skin-APP點子

What launcher should I use? How to set it?

-I use Nova launcher Pro, and I set it this way:

12x12 grid size

overlapping all widgets

no margins (left or right)

How to set Media Utilities?

-Install the application, and grant it permission to read your notifications, then rebbot your device.

-Once you rebooted, go to media utilities settings enable "zooper" under "Application Integration" label.

-Scroll down to "Experimental Features" and enable all of them.

-Choose "circule" as shape for your coverart.

What Music application should I use?

-I suggest you to use Google Music, since it works flawlessly with media utilities.

How about immersive mode??

【免費個人化App】Tech Zooper Widget Skin-APP點子

-Theoretically you can use both navbar and statusbar, but since I designed the widget using immersive mode (statusbar:on nabar:off) it's better to use Tech without navbar, so you won't have to resize any of the skins.


Email me, I'll reply right away with a solution for you!

【免費個人化App】Tech Zooper Widget Skin-APP點子

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Tech Zooper Widget Skin APP LOGO

Tech Zooper Widget Skin LOGO-APP點子

Tech Zooper Widget Skin APP QRCode

Tech Zooper Widget Skin QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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