【實用教育app】Tell It|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Tell It|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Tell It-APP點子

Tell It is an interactive video player that replaces ebook readers and video players with Visual Narratives. Scroll the video, and the text scrolls along with it. Our mission is to improve content relevancy, interactivity, and depth of meaning by producing and packaging videos with synchronized layers of rich media. Scroll the text, and the video stays in sync. Text scrolls along with the video, just like closed captioning.

Create your own bookmarks, search for any word or term within the text, take notes and send them to friends and colleagues. Interactive tools like web links and other media content enable deeper understanding of the Visual Narrative through your eyes, ears, and fingers. Tell It for Android Tablets enables you to choose from any combination of reading, listening, or watching.

Tell It for Android Tablets transforms stories into Visual Narratives by combining videos and presentations with synchronized text and other digital resources. The video-based, time-based structure enables you to picture your world differently, and to capture the moment you’re looking for.

Inspired by the story being told in a video, Tell It blends digital media content, and synchronizes everything. The words that you hear are synchronized with the text from the soundtrack. Whether the story began as a screenplay, an interview, a speech, a book, or an essay, Tell It synchronizes the spoken word with the written word and other transmedia content. Tell It always knows exactly where you are in the story, and “spot syncs” you right to that moment in the narrative.

Tell It Sustainable Businesss Case Studies turn traditional, text-based business cases into a more engaging and immersive learning experience. Developed by In The Telling and the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado in Boulder, this introductory sample is part of the growing Leeds Case Library for Sustainable Business.

【免費教育App】Tell It-APP點子

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