【實用街機app】Ten Minutes To Christmas|最夯免費app

【實用街機app】Ten Minutes To Christmas|最夯免費app


【免費街機App】Ten Minutes To Christmas-APP點子

Ten minutes to Christmas is a retro style game inspired by the golden age or platform gaming where games like Manic Miner, Monty on the Run and Jetset Willy Ruled.

Santa had an accident and all his presents fell out of his sleigh!

【免費街機App】Ten Minutes To Christmas-APP點子

They have landed on the ground and have been swarmed by the slime beasties!

To make matters worse, Santa only has 10 minutes to get them all and save Christmas!

Classic retro platform game play, you must jump the gaps and baddies to collect all the presents and return to your sleigh.

With 3 difficulties that radically alter the levels, there is a lot of game play to be squeezed out of this game.

While normal may only take you a few minutes, do you have the nerves of steel required to beat brutal mode?

Due to google forcing you to publish your home address if you're a home developer for paid apps, I have now made this free.

Apologies to anyone who has previously paid for this app.

Minimum Requirements:-

GPU enabled device

Screen resolution of 800 x 480 or larger recommended or you may experience display issues.

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免費玩Ten Minutes To Christmas App

Ten Minutes To Christmas APP LOGO

Ten Minutes To Christmas LOGO-APP點子

Ten Minutes To Christmas APP QRCode

Ten Minutes To Christmas QRCode-APP點子
Google Play
