



You can use TermPaper to create or modify an academic paper. TermPaper guarantees your paper will be correctly formatted in MLA (Modern Language Association) or APA (American Psychological Association) 6th Edition. In particular, your citations (bibliography) will be correctly formatted to your selected standard. You only need to enter the correct information for any one of 41 different flavors of reference material.Features:• Type (or copy/paste) and/or import (from iTunes) paper contents. Can include characters not present on iPad keyboard.• Apply text attributes (bold, italics, underline) to the body of your paper.• Assign document information (title, author, instructor, etc.).• Enter your reference citations (TermPaper understands 41 different flavors of them, plus variations).• Tap menu feature to add your in-text references to your content.• Choose the font you want to use for your printed paper (for MLA format): Times New Roman, Helvetica, or Georgia 10, 12 or 14.• Pick which format you need: MLA or APA (switch formats anytime).• Preview the fully formatted paper, with correctly formatted Works Cited/References section, title page, abstract, and headers with page numbers.• Export to iTunes or Dropbox, or email a print ready PDF that exactly matches the preview.• You can work with papers that are hundreds of pages in length.• Online support website.• Simple, straightforward interface.LIMITATIONS:• Does not support footnotes. The MLA and APA specifications do not recommend the use of footnotes. In the future, given demand, it may be supported.• Word 2008 (.docx) feature has been removed, since text attributes are now supported directly in TermPaper.




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