【實用生產應用app】TextExtractor - Optical Character Recognition Scanner|最夯免費app

【實用生產應用app】TextExtractor - Optical Character Recognition Scanner|最夯免費app


【免費生產應用App】TextExtractor - Optical Character Recognition Scanner-APP點子

*****"TextExtractor™- high precision, great result!*****We are happy to present TextExtractor™ -Optical Character Recognition Scanner app, developed by real professionals. This app will help you recognize scanned text with high degree of accuracy and also edit, copy, and send it via email. Our company has created an easy-to-use, intuitive,and powerful app that deserves to be placed on the home screen of your iPhone or iPad.= - - =FEATURES= - - =***Recognition: ***⇒ The newest modernized OCR version has been used to ensure accurate recognition of text.⇒ OCR supports multiple languages: English, Russian, French, German, Spanish, Italian.⇒ Edit, copy, and save recognized text in Archive.*** Scanning: ***⇒ Fast and effective scanning.⇒ Ability to scan files, captured through the app as well as files from photo album.⇒ Manual selection of the image fragment for further manipulations.⇒ Choose any of the three types of scanned image display: black-and-white, color, and photo.⇒ Five types of scanned image brightness.⇒ Ability to rotate scanned file (right, left).*** Sending: ***⇒ Ability to send via email (in TXT, PDF, JPEG formats) or save to device's gallery.⇒ Save scanned file to photo album.⇒ Open in- allows opening recognized text via other apps, installed on the device.***Additional: ***⇒ Useful advice on app usage.⇒ Intuitive interface.⇒ Easy app navigation.⇒ Supports Retina Display.⇒ Supports iOS 7***Note: ***If you experience problems using our application, notice bugs, or just want to share your ideas and suggestions how to make our application better, we will be happy to make them a reality and answer all the questions you may have.

【免費生產應用App】TextExtractor - Optical Character Recognition Scanner-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】TextExtractor - Optical Character Recognition Scanner-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】TextExtractor - Optical Character Recognition Scanner-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】TextExtractor - Optical Character Recognition Scanner-APP點子

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TextExtractor - Optical Character Recognition Scanner APP LOGO

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TextExtractor - Optical Character Recognition Scanner APP QRCode

TextExtractor - Optical Character Recognition Scanner QRCode-APP點子
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