【實用書籍app】The Adventures of Max the Dog|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】The Adventures of Max the Dog|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】The Adventures of Max the Dog-APP點子

What's inside:

-> An uplifting children's story brought to life in an interactive book!

【免費書籍App】The Adventures of Max the Dog-APP點子

-> HD animated graphics and sounds, made for Android tablets & iPad

-> Read to your child or let the App narrate the story to them

【免費書籍App】The Adventures of Max the Dog-APP點子

-> Suitable for both boys and girls alike!

-> 10% profits will go to Alder Hey hospital.

【免費書籍App】The Adventures of Max the Dog-APP點子

About the Book:

The Adventures of Max the Dog (& Ella the Princess)

【免費書籍App】The Adventures of Max the Dog-APP點子

This story was written about the real Max and Gordon, who passed away in 2011 and are both very much missed. The book was independently written, illustrated (and made into an App) in London.

About the Story:

【免費書籍App】The Adventures of Max the Dog-APP點子

'Max the Dog was a very special dog indeed. Not only did he have a heart of gold, he also had the courage of a lion. This was useful as, when there was trouble; people often relied on Max the dog to save the day.'

Follow Max the Dog and his best friend Gordon the cat on their journey to save Ella the Princess, an amazing adventure!


【免費書籍App】The Adventures of Max the Dog-APP點子

We welcome your feedback, comments and suggestions to maxthedog.app@gmail.com

【免費書籍App】The Adventures of Max the Dog-APP點子

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免費玩The Adventures of Max the Dog App

The Adventures of Max the Dog APP LOGO

The Adventures of Max the Dog LOGO-APP點子

The Adventures of Max the Dog APP QRCode

The Adventures of Max the Dog QRCode-APP點子
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