【實用教育app】The Ant And The Grasshopper|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】The Ant And The Grasshopper|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】The Ant And The Grasshopper-APP點子

The Ant and the Grasshopper is an invaluable Aesop’s fable providing important moral lesson to all the younger audience about the importance of hard work and planning for the future.

The fable concerns a grasshopper that has spent the warm months singing and making fun of the ant, which worked hard to store up food for winter. When that season arrives, the grasshopper finds itself dying of hunger and begs the ant for food. In return, he offers to sing to him. But the ant told him “All summer long I was working hard, while you were singing and laughing at me. As a result I have a full tummy now and you are hungry.”

The Ant and the Grasshopper is the classic story for children, professionally narrated to give you 100% as-in-book experience. It is a part of our mobile storytelling app Tales with GiGi, in which you can find more than 40 children stories with morals, for kids who like fairy tales, fables and parables. All of the stories and fables are kept as precise as possible to the original classic version. Meet our friendly parrot – GiGi, who will guide you through the storytelling journey, full with wonders and magic.

If you are looking for inspirational stories for kids, which can not only be fun and keeping your child occupied but also an educational adventure for them we can offer:

【免費教育App】The Ant And The Grasshopper-APP點子

- Mobile storybook suitable for children to 7 years old - baby, kids, toddlers or preschoolers

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- a classic story, which has been read and re-read by generations of children and parents

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- Professional narrated by native voice talents English story for kids

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- soothing and calming your kids during bedtime, naptime, or feeding time

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- You can choose to listen to the audio book, or hide the narration and read it yourself

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- With the offline mode feature now you can take it with you on vacations, road trips, and keep your kid entertained at places with no internet

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- Interface - child-friendly and simplified

“Awesome experience not only for the kids, but for me too. Listening to the stories

【免費教育App】The Ant And The Grasshopper-APP點子

brings me back my childhood memories every time.” – Jessica, 33

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【免費教育App】The Ant And The Grasshopper-APP點子

“I’ve been searching so long for an app that would include all the good stories, that

【免費教育App】The Ant And The Grasshopper-APP點子

I loved when I was a child. In Tales with GiGi I found what I’ve been searching for. Now I can show my children what books I used to love when I was a kid.” –

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Anabelle, 31

We wish you great time reading and bonding with The Ant and the Grasshopper and Tales with GiGi!

For any ideas you’d like to share, write us: hello@taleswithgigi.com

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