【實用書籍app】The Children's Bible's|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】The Children's Bible's|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】The Children's Bible's-APP點子

Try one FREE book in 6 unique children's bible series. See for yourself how your child will treasure the bible through these beautifully illustrated stories.

Enjoy easy to understand retold stories and beautifully illustrated Bible texts.

Your child will be drawn into the stories through underlying music, animated videos and great narrators.



- All AGES of children will find a series designed for them

- READ to your child while she is drawn in by the powerful illustrations

【免費書籍App】The Children's Bible's-APP點子

- LISTEN to the stories told by great storytellers

- RECORD your own voice that he can hear while reading the books himself

- WATCH an animated video as an alternative way of enjoying each story



Every purchase is available on all your devices. Simply tap "Buy" on an item that you previously have bought and it will download again.

CONTACT US at support@scanpublishing.dk for help with any technical problem.

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【免費書籍App】The Children's Bible's-APP點子


These series have already been sold, in printed form, in over 8 million copies in more than 110 languages and countries. (See the list in the App.) They are still reprinting 300,000 to 600,000 copies each year.

- Handy Bible Series (Age 0+)

- Famous People of the Bible (Age 2+)

- The Children's Bible (Age 3+)

- The Little Children's Bible (Age 3+)

- The Adventure Story Bible (Age 6+)

【免費書籍App】The Children's Bible's-APP點子

- The Comic Book Bible (Age 7+)



These books are available for free when you download The Children's Bible app.

- Noah and the Gerat Flood (Famous People of the Bible)

- God Makes the World (The Little Children's Bible)

- The Angel Bible (Handy Bible Series)

- Genesis (The Adventure Story Bible)

【免費書籍App】The Children's Bible's-APP點子

- 10 pages preview (The Children's Bible)

- 12 pages Preview (The Comic Book Bible)

Download now and see for yourself how your child will love these stories.

May your child treasure the bible and the God it speaks of.

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