【實用書籍app】The Children's Bible|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】The Children's Bible|最夯免費app


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Children's Bibles, or Bibles for children, are often collections of Bible Stories rather than actual translations of the Bible aimed at children.[1]

First printed in London in 1759, The Children's Bible (Philadelphia, 1763) was the earliest Bible for children printed in America.[2] Story-Bibles include Christian Gottlob Barth's Bible Stories which was a popular children's Bible in India during the 1840s, Logan Marshall's The Wonder Book of Bible Stories (1904), Arthur Maxwell's The Bible Story (1953–57) and The Children's Bible Story Book (1991) a children's version of the bible by Anne de Graaf placed in United Kingdom primary schools by the charity Bibles for Children (founded 1997).

Actual Bible versions include the New Century Version, a simplified English revision of the International Children's Bible.


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• The book is an edited and illustrated version of the original one and includes 40 or more unique illustrations which are relevant to its content.

• The Children's Bible by Charles Foster Kent and Henry A. Sherman is the Selections from the Old and New Testaments told for Children's enjoyment and understanding. These selections have been made as a result of more than twenty-five years of observation and study. The text is that of the Bible itself, but in the language of the child, so that it may easily be read to the younger children and by those who are older. It is not in words of one syllable, for while the child is reading the Bible he should gradually learn the meaning of new words and idioms.

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