【實用書籍app】The Great Telugu Rulers|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】The Great Telugu Rulers|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】The Great Telugu Rulers-APP點子

Here is our next Telugu Reader App which is about the great rulers of Telugu, in which we bring very unique reading experience in your android devices.

You can find the android's best telugu reader app showing the history of the great rulers of telugu and Andhra Pradesh.

【免費書籍App】The Great Telugu Rulers-APP點子

You will find the stories of the great Indian Rulers in Andhra Pradesh,

Krishna Deva Raayulu

【免費書籍App】The Great Telugu Rulers-APP點子

Rudramma Devi

Mehboob Ali Khan

【免費書籍App】The Great Telugu Rulers-APP點子

Osman Ali Khan

Hakha and Bukka Ruler

【免費書籍App】The Great Telugu Rulers-APP點子


Trimula Devarayulu

【免費書籍App】The Great Telugu Rulers-APP點子

Nadella Gopanna

Jamsheed Quli Qutub Shah

【免費書籍App】The Great Telugu Rulers-APP點子

The app will allow you to change the reading layout (White, Black, Classic and Modern Layout) and Font Sizes to fit your mobile sizes and your comfort for reading. You can also bookmark the pages for reading it later.

Let us know, how is your experience with our reader app, we are happy to introduce more and more such Telugu apps in future. Your encouragement will definitely help us compiling various stories and articles in Telugu.

【免費書籍App】The Great Telugu Rulers-APP點子

免費玩The Great Telugu Rulers APP玩免費

免費玩The Great Telugu Rulers App

The Great Telugu Rulers APP LOGO

The Great Telugu Rulers LOGO-APP點子

The Great Telugu Rulers APP QRCode

The Great Telugu Rulers QRCode-APP點子
香港 Hong KongAndroid
Google Play


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