【實用生產應用app】The Pet Keyboard|最夯免費app

【實用生產應用app】The Pet Keyboard|最夯免費app


【免費生產應用App】The Pet Keyboard-APP點子

The Pet Keyboard is a revolutionary new keyboard that is especially designed and optimized for smart phones.

Installation hint:

After the download go to the Android settings and choose “Language & keyboard”. Now check the Pet Keyboard. You will see a warning message. Click OK. This message is shown for all soft keyboards.

The keys of standard soft keyboards that come with cell phones are small and difficult to hit accurately, especially when the phone is held in most comfortable upright position.

Our new keyboard solves this problem. It only has 6 by 4 or 4 by 4 large, easy to hit keys. To reach all the letters and symbols of a regular keyboard, characters and character sequences are typed by single hits as with regular keyboards or strokes over multiple keys. The strokes are highly optimized such that they can be performed very quickly.

What makes typing with the Pet Keyboard really fast, faster than typing with a regular keyboard is the word candidate feature. It uses a huge, built in list of words (100,000 in English, 300’000 in German). With this feature you don’t have to perform strokes in almost all cases, only when a word is not found in the huge lists. Using the common QWERT – layout of the Pet Keyboard and single hits, typing feels exactly like typing on a regular keyboard but with keys that are much easier to hit accurately.

【免費生產應用App】The Pet Keyboard-APP點子

We also provide an alphabetic layout for users who are more comfortable with this arrangement of the keys.

The main innovations of the Pet Keyboard are:

•The Pet Keyboard has only 24 or 16 large, easy to hit keys. Letters and letter sequences are invoked by simple hits or strokes.

•With the word candidate feature turned on, single hits are enough so typing with the Pet Keyboard feels exactly like typing with a regular keyboard.

•The Pet Keyboard can not only be used to generate single characters but character combinations, sequences, words or entire sentences.

•You can modify the contents of certain keys on the fly by reading text back from the editor.

【免費生產應用App】The Pet Keyboard-APP點子

•Various settings can be modified directly from the keyboard

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The Pet Keyboard APP LOGO

The Pet Keyboard LOGO-APP點子

The Pet Keyboard APP QRCode

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