【實用書籍app】The Pirate Princess ~ 3D Interactive Pop-up Book|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】The Pirate Princess ~ 3D Interactive Pop-up Book|最夯免費app


【免費書籍App】The Pirate Princess ~ 3D Interactive Pop-up Book-APP點子

* Winner of the Editor's Choice Award, Children's Technology Review * Aha me hearties! Ready for a swashbuckling adventure? When Isabel the Princess goes to a party dressed as a pirate, she starts on an incredible, action-packed adventure filled with pirate galleons, fearsome monsters and fruit-flinging monkeys. Release your inner pirate with adventurous mini-games: piece together treasure maps, dance a pirate jig, then show off your sword skills with some fancy pirate fightin’! Yo, ho ho and a bottle of rum! There’s puzzles to solve and laughs along the way. Will the Princess escape from the scoundrel Captain Peg? What’s the secret pirate recipe? And just who is this Strangebeard anyway? GAMES:- Complete the games, puzzles and challenges and use your pirate skills to win badges! - Island Explorer: Avoid mines and monsters as you hunt for treasure on the high seas. - Dance Star: Yarr! Learn some pirate dance steps at the Scallywag Inn. - Cliff Climber: Escape from jail by climbing down a treacherous cliff. Don’t look down! - Swashbuckler. Ahoy Matey! Fight off a swarm of cheeky monkeys. - Map Magician: Piece together the shredded treasure maps! - Monster Masher. Battle the biggest sea monster you've ever seen! ************************FEATURES:- Full 3D experience. Shiver me timbers, it’s just like a real book! - A treasure trove of 9 mini-games set in amazing 3D pop-up scenes - Stunning illustrations with colors a pirate’s parrot would envy - Fully narrated in English, French, German and Spanish by professional scallywags from around the world - Read to Me, Read it Myself, and Autoplay modes - 36 pages of beautifully-presented story text and illustrations - Featuring a rip-roaring musical score and hilarious sound effects Go to storytoys.com to watch a short video of the app.************************ REVIEWS:"StoryToys has near-brilliantly rethought children's books. This application evolves the very concept of what a story can be." ~ Jeremy Horowitz, iLounge “Every page keeps the reader wanting more. The interactivity of the pop-up pages is superb.”~ Leanne McGinty, Ahgoo Review “Now THIS is what I call an app!! My jaw dropped when I started reading this interactive book.” ~ Sylvia Duckworth, French Apps for kids “Stunning. If I had to sum up this app in one word it would absolutely be stunning.” ~ Danielle Smith, TheresABook.com ************************STORYTOYS AWARDS:• 11 Children’s Technology Review Editor’s Choice Awards• 2 iLounge awards for best kids’ app• 2 Mom’s Choice gold awards• Mom’s Choice Silver award• Shortlist nominations for the FutureBook Digital Innovation Award• Best Kids’ App Ever winner• Longlisted for the DBW Publishing innovation award• 8 Tech With Kids Best Pick App Awards• Winner of the BolognaRagazzi Digital Award, 2015************************RATE OUR APP!We hate to bother you with this but the truth is that app reviews are incredibly important. We'd like to know what you think so that we can improve our products in the ways that you would like to see. Reviews give you a platform to be heard, help other customers to make decisions and help us spread the word about our apps. It would really mean a lot to us if you would consider reviewing or rating this app!We’d really love to hear what you think!************************STAY IN TOUCH!Stay in touch to hear about new releases and promotions: - Visit us: storytoys.com - Email us: For any technical issues please email us at support@storytoys.com - Like us on Facebook: Facebook.com/StoryToys - Follow us on Twitter: @StoryToys

【免費書籍App】The Pirate Princess ~ 3D Interactive Pop-up Book-APP點子

【免費書籍App】The Pirate Princess ~ 3D Interactive Pop-up Book-APP點子

【免費書籍App】The Pirate Princess ~ 3D Interactive Pop-up Book-APP點子

【免費書籍App】The Pirate Princess ~ 3D Interactive Pop-up Book-APP點子

【免費書籍App】The Pirate Princess ~ 3D Interactive Pop-up Book-APP點子

【免費書籍App】The Pirate Princess ~ 3D Interactive Pop-up Book-APP點子

【免費書籍App】The Pirate Princess ~ 3D Interactive Pop-up Book-APP點子

【免費書籍App】The Pirate Princess ~ 3D Interactive Pop-up Book-APP點子

【免費書籍App】The Pirate Princess ~ 3D Interactive Pop-up Book-APP點子

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台灣 TaiwaniOS
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NT$ 120



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