【實用書籍app】The Reformation Study Bible|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】The Reformation Study Bible|最夯免費app


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The Reformation Study Bible, General Editor Dr. R.C. Sproul, is a tremendous resource created by more than fifty scholars and featuring more than 20,000 study notes on Bible verses and terms. Additional study notes include introductions to the seven groups of biblical books, book introductions with outlines, and 96 notes on central doctrines of Scripture. This version also includes the entire text of the English Standard Version (ESV) Bible. The entire resource is stored right on your phone for instant access without a network connection.

The Reformation Study Bible is built on the advanced AcroBible software for Android. AcroBible offers may powerful features including:

* Fast keyword, phrase, and wildcard search

* Highlight verses in multiple colors

* Personalize verses with your own notes

* Free translations: KJV, ASV, WEB, YLT, Darby, RVA, LSG, Thai KJV, AA (optional downloads)

* Free commentaries: Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary, Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary, Scofield Notes (optional downloads)

【免費書籍App】The Reformation Study Bible-APP點子

* Free devotionals: Spurgeon's Morning and Evening, Daily Light on the Daily Path (optional downloads)

* Free study tools: Easton's Bible Dictionary, KJV with Strong's numbers, Greek NT, Thompson Topics, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (optional downloads)

* Web backup of notes and highlighting

* Direct, two-way Web synchronization

* Split screen view

* Verse tagging

Web Backup:

【免費書籍App】The Reformation Study Bible-APP點子

When you synchronize your notes and highlighting with our free on-line Bible, your uploaded data serves as a backup copy. If your device is damaged, lost or you buy a new one then you can easily download all your notes and highlighting from the on-line copy.

Two-way Synchronization:

Using two-way synchronization, you can create your notes and highlighting on your phone or from your desktop and have them in both places regardless of how you created them. Whether you are at home entering notes with the convenience of a desktop computer or at church jotting down sermon notes, synchronization delivers your personal data where ever you need it.

Our free on-line Bible application (www.iBibleSpace.org) provides the access to your notes and highlighting from the desktop. The iBibleSpace site also offers other free tools such as a devotional, commentary, and a personal journal.

Requires 4MB of additional storage on memory card.

【免費書籍App】The Reformation Study Bible-APP點子

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