【實用書籍app】The Tiger Who Wasn't|最夯免費app

【實用書籍app】The Tiger Who Wasn't|最夯免費app


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For iPAD2, 3, 4 & MiniAges 3 to 8This fully-interactive touch app is loaded with 32 pages of jungle fun and hosts a feast of Games and Activities! The story is about Hatty, a tiger cub and natural-born vegetarian who loves avocados with honey! This is a great worry to his parents, but Hatty is also an optimist and when he leaves home he is determined to make friends with the other vegetarian jungle animals... Of course, this is not easy when most of them think of themselves as his lunch - not his lunch partner! But Hatty keeps trying and although his plans backfire hilariously as the tables are turned, his efforts finally lead to an unexpected and happy conclusion for him and all the animals.FEATURES:- Choose Autoplay, Read to Me (with phrase by phrase highlighting), or Read to Myself- Hum along with the original musical score from an award-winning composer.- Tap all over the pages for great animations, sounds, and laugh-out-loud effects!- Bring Hatty’s jungle scenes to life in the Coloring Activity with 3 brush sizes and a full color palette.- Play and learn about fruits and veggies in ‘Hatty Match!’- Help Hatty find his new friends in 3 levels of ‘Hatty’s Hide & Seek’- Play all 20 levels of ‘Hatty's Avocado Roll!’ Steer an avocado through the jungle to Hatty and his honey - but be careful – Hatty’s hungry friends are gobbling-up avocados all along the way!Visit Hatty to see ‘The Hatty Rap!’ music video, books, games, recipes and more! www.HattyBooks.comPRIVACY POLICY:− DOES NOT contain In app advertisements served from 3rd party ad networks− DOES NOT integrate with social networks such as Facebook or Twitter− DOES NOT track a user’s location from the app− DOES NOT contain links to external internet sites− DOES NOT contain In App Purchase functionality, allowing users to purchase content through buy or unlock features within the app

【免費書籍App】The Tiger Who Wasn't-APP點子

【免費書籍App】The Tiger Who Wasn't-APP點子

【免費書籍App】The Tiger Who Wasn't-APP點子

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