【實用旅遊app】The Yosemite by John Muir|最夯免費app

【實用旅遊app】The Yosemite by John Muir|最夯免費app


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John Muir, born in Scotland, reared in America, a wanderer in nearly every country on the globe, seventy-four years of age and hale and canny, is doubtless one of the most picturesque figures in our country today. Scot to the backbone, yet America claims him as her own, so earnestly has he studied our trees and mountains, so closely is he identified with the wonders of the great West, so loyally has he labored to preserve our natural beauties when from time to time there have been those of our own countrymen who would have wrested them from us.

Recently his book on the Yosemite--the result of ten or more years in the Valley in the early seventies-has come from the press. Assuredly Mr. Muir is not to be hurried. Like the enduring rocks, the slow-moving glaciers, and the many centuried sequoias, he believes in the amplitude of time. How pityingly he speaks of "Time-poor" persons who never spare enough of their scanty store to wander leisurely in some of the world's wildernesses!

In reading Mr. Muir's book on the Yosemite, or, in truth, any of his books, one gets but a partial view of his character. The enthusiastic nature lover, the tireless student, the adventurous explorer--these characteristics stand out on every page, but to know the man one should camp and tramp with him in the Yosemite, as I did in nineteen hundred and nine, in company with Mr. John Burroughs, Mr. Francis Browne and a few others. There we saw the many-sided Muir--the man one sees in his books, and also the teasing, fun-loving Muir, the arbitrary, the devout, the modest, the assertive Muir--an exasperating, lovable, complex personality -

Clara Barrus

The Craftsman, volume 23, number 3 (December 1912)

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(New York: Craftsman Publishing Company)

Read about John Muir's writings and observations about "The Yosemite" before it became a park. It document his true love of nature. The books also describes the "other" Yosemite - Hetch-Hetchy Valley before the dam was built.

Book is updated with new images and provides GPS links to popular landmarks !

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App dedicated to the Sierra Club.

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