【實用教育app】The empathy medal|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】The empathy medal|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

The empathy medal - We learn to understand the people around us (The tale of empathy)

【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

Motto: Kids, get ready for success!

【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

Through this story, children will learn how to manage their emotions!

【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

When someone has a problem, how should I react? Do I know how it feels to “be in their shoes”, to see the world through their eyes, to understand them? Studies show that people that are able to listen and understand others are much more appreciated and loved by the people they interact with. In order to be a leader in tomorrow’s world, a child has to learn to offer emotional support to those around them. Social success (as well as personal development and family harmony) is related to this capacity. As a good parent it’s essential to ensure a child develops empathy.

【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

Your child loves playing on the computer. This is why we offer you a program that will amuse, help them develop and provide the ingredients of success. We offer a powerful educational device: the medal of empathy – a captivating animated story for children. The child learns how to understand others, appreciate their problems, and to listen.

【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

The story is based on the book “The 7 medals of success” written by Georgeta and Ion-Ovidiu Pânisoara, teachers at the University for Psychology and Education of Bucharest.

【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

***** Features:

【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

Interactive story for little ones with big hearts

【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

Helps develop the emotional intelligence of children

【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

Colour, music, animations and funny sounds

【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

Educational content for the whole product

【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

Each story is divided in three parts:

【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

An introductory movie that contains a short, funny, interactive moment

【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

A story with interactive elements that will be discovered in each scene

【免費教育App】The empathy medal-APP點子

A musical story (allegory) that will strengthen the knowledge acquired, based around hip-hop rhythms

Made by Infomedia Pro, with 16 years of experience in developing educational software and producer of the PitiClic, PitiClic senior and PitiClic Active series of educational and interactive products.

From the same series “PitiClic and the medals of success”:

The medal of courage - Courage for speaking in public

The cooperation medal – Nick and Dia fight the dragon of conflict

The curiosity medal – Dia discovers the magic key to knowledge

The patience medal – Dia finds out what patience is

The creativity medal – Creativity or the ‘magic key of novelty’

The perseverance medal – Nick finds out what perseverance is

Visit us at www.piticlic.ro and on our facebook page www.facebook.com/piticlic

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