



~~THE FARM: WHO AM I?~~ 'The Farm: Who Am I?' is an easy to use, interactive App that allows children of all ages to learn about farm animals. With beautiful images, real animal sounds, and the option to have words read aloud, 'The Farm: Who Am I?' is not only a captivating game, but a fun learning experience! To play, simply tap the cloud that says "play sound", listen to the animal sound, and tap the animal on the screen that you think makes that sound. Once you guess correctly, a page with a picture and short reading about that animal will appear. Tap "click here to play the text!" to hear the reading out loud. Then go on to the next page! Little ones will have a blast recognizing animals, listening, reading and interacting with this entertaining and educational game! To practice for the game or just for fun, there is also an option on the menu to 'Play Animal Sounds', a separate page where you can tap on the animals to hear what sound they make. Also included in 'The Farm: Who Am I?' App is a 'blackboard' to practice drawing and writing. 'The Farm: Who Am I?' is just like a book for small children, with it's simple and clear design, short text and real pictures of familiar animals. But with this App, the child can actually be involved in the story! This is the perfect App for using together with small children, travelling with kids, or simply for any of those moments when you need to keep the kids occupied- while being assured they are playing a game with educational value. **This App is compatible with Retina Display**




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TOEIC ® TOEFL ® 英単語・同意語問題集

*コンテンツ収録に関して 当アプリは、(最強の英単語(上)+最強の英単語(下))を の2アプリ分(2本分!)を収録した上に、 さらに類語問題はA問題, B問題を収録。 4倍のボリュームとなり【超】お得です。 英単語、同意語合わせて2000語以上を収録。 問題数、800×2(A,B) 1600問題を収 …
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