



A fantastic new runner game with ALL NET PROCEEDS GOING TO HELP HOMELESS PETS! You’re an adorable little dog playing in the park. But now you’ve lost your family and a thunderstorm is coming! Run to find your family before you are overcome with anxiety. Challenge your reflexes and test your timing while you run through a neighborhood. Avoid hydrants, mailboxes, construction, angry dogs and other obstacles that heighten your anxiety. Collect ThunderTreats to use in the PetShop to purchase power ups and other powers. Accomplish challenging missions for bonuses. Spray your ThunderSpray and snag Power Up tokens as you run to reduce your anxiety. Reach a shelter for temporary safety. Tap to jump obstacles, or if collect a ThunderShirt power up, tilt to fly through the air and avoid airborne dangers. And there is much more. How far can you make it without being overcome!?!

ThunderWorks is donating all net proceeds from ThunderRush to PetSmart Charities. So for just a very low price, you get a great game for your kids (or the kid in you) AND you help some of the millions of homeless pets in the United States.















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