【實用個人化app】ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme|最夯免費app

【實用個人化app】ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme|最夯免費app


【免費個人化App】ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme-APP點子


With June 10th 2014 update to V7.0 I will have to declare end-of-life for Thyrusholo Kitkat Black theme. With major roms now moving to 4.4.3 I need to freeze this at 4.4.2 to ensure dialers work for people that continue to use older versions of these roms (4.4.2 or 4.4.1). Given that I am now using the new theme engine going forward, this theme for the old theme engine will be End of Life after this maintenance update.

The successor of this theme is DarkUI which is currently available on a discounted rate for upgrades and which is designed specifically for the new theme engine.


Use ONLY if you are using AOKP, CyanogenMod or a similar ROM that is current and has the theme chooser installed/enabled.

【免費個人化App】ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme-APP點子

CM11 (or similar 4.4.2 kitkat AOSP roms with theme chooser) is the best option for the theme. It MAY work on CM10.2, but really is only guaranteed for CM11.

If you prefer a light themed version, feel free to use the light edition of my Kit Kat theme on the market with a holo.light dialer/messaging app.

It is based on my other popular themes on Google Play, so I would recommend you check these out before you purchase this special edition.

If you use the quick response in MMS.apk, make sure you enable "dark theme" in the MMS/SMS settings.

This is tested and will work on CM10 and AOKP ROMs. Custom ROMs that deviate from these such as Paranoid Android may introduce issues as these ROMs deviate strongly and some features may not support themes.


- Works best on CM11

- In order to allow no background for statusbar and navbar, please use a custom rom that supports that (such as AOKP), I cannot theme this via theme chooser unfortunately.

【免費個人化App】ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme-APP點子

- CM11 Dialer only themed when using CM11 based ROMs as of January 29th 2014 (incudes the relevant changes to make dialer themable)


Apply theme, then reboot. Reboot is also required after a theme update is installed.

Getting"improperly compiled" error?. Set to system theme, reboot, then apply.

Missing assets/screen size? Apply anyway

- Added custom white statusbar icons (for those that use a themed ROM but do not like the customizations)

【免費個人化App】ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme-APP點子

- Kitkat inspired dialer

- Added a semi-transparent widget background for most system widgets

- No dividers in settings and other sub- and pop-up menus

- Themed pop-up and settings menus

【免費個人化App】ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme-APP點子

- Black background for dialer and contact/people app

- Themed MMS and people app (fully themed)

- Themed Google Now

- Themed Play Store

【免費個人化App】ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme-APP點子

- Themed Play Music

- Themed Browser

- Themed Gmail

- Themed Google Translate

【免費個人化App】ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme-APP點子

- Themed Google Drive

【免費個人化App】ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme-APP點子

免費玩ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme APP玩免費

免費玩ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme App

ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme APP LOGO

ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme LOGO-APP點子

ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme APP QRCode

ThyrusHolo KIT KAT Black Theme QRCode-APP點子
Google Play



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