【實用生活app】TieSight - tying a tie using your camera|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】TieSight - tying a tie using your camera|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】TieSight - tying a tie using your camera-APP點子

Using the front camera of your iPad, TieSight makes it really easy to tie a tie. With TieSight you can see directly in your reflection how to tie the perfect tie knot. All you have to do is to bring yourself into the right position and follow the instruction which TieSight will give you. TieSight includes 14 different knot types you can choose from: * Windsor* Bow Tie* Half Windsor * Pratt * Four in Hand * Small Knot * Cavendish * Balthus * Victoria * Plattsburgh * Saint Andrew* Grantchester* Hanover Knot* Kent KnotFor each knot type TieSight will show you a sequence of sub-steps which you have to imitate in your reflection.You can control TieSight by noise recognition in order to have both hands free while tying the knot. If you are ready for the next sub-step, then just make a noise (e.g. a loud word, cough or whistle) and TieSight will proceed. Alternatively you can control TieSight manually by swiping horizontally over the tie image.

【免費生活App】TieSight - tying a tie using your camera-APP點子

【免費生活App】TieSight - tying a tie using your camera-APP點子

【免費生活App】TieSight - tying a tie using your camera-APP點子

【免費生活App】TieSight - tying a tie using your camera-APP點子

【免費生活App】TieSight - tying a tie using your camera-APP點子

【免費生活App】TieSight - tying a tie using your camera-APP點子

【免費生活App】TieSight - tying a tie using your camera-APP點子

【免費生活App】TieSight - tying a tie using your camera-APP點子

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免費玩TieSight - tying a tie using your camera App

TieSight - tying a tie using your camera APP LOGO

TieSight - tying a tie using your camera LOGO-APP點子

TieSight - tying a tie using your camera APP QRCode

TieSight - tying a tie using your camera QRCode-APP點子
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