【實用遊戲app】Time Chronicles: The Missing Mona Lisa HD|最夯免費app

【實用遊戲app】Time Chronicles: The Missing Mona Lisa HD|最夯免費app


【免費遊戲App】Time Chronicles: The Missing Mona Lisa HD-APP點子

Travel through time to solve a dastardly crime!The Mona Lisa has been stolen and scattered through history by the mysterious criminal known only as the "Time Chameleon." As Chief Investigator of Interpol's Environmental Crimes Unit, it is your job to track down the thief and recover the painting before the damage is irreversible. Use your hidden object skills to search scenes for clues and open a pathway through time.Watch as the modern world fades and a bygone era emerges. See what changes—and what stays the same! If you can solve the past's puzzle, you'll unlock another piece of the missing painting and come one step closer to capturing the Chameleon. Enjoy pure hidden object fun with every scene as a portal to the past.You never know where you'll end up next, from a medieval garden in Dubrovnik, to Edo-era Japan, to the Taj Mahal and beyond. No matter how many times you play, you can never predict the Time Chameleon's next move!• Enjoy classic hidden object fun with a unique twist• Watch scenes transform as you travel from the present to the exact same location in the past• Play again and again—it’s never the same adventure twice• Discover 20 exotic destinations around the world, including Paris, Shanghai, London, Tokyo, Moscow, Cairo, Rio de Janeiro and more• Fun mini-games and thousands of hidden objects

【免費遊戲App】Time Chronicles: The Missing Mona Lisa HD-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Time Chronicles: The Missing Mona Lisa HD-APP點子

【免費遊戲App】Time Chronicles: The Missing Mona Lisa HD-APP點子

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