



The time of black and white tile is over. Enter Tiny!

The rules are simple. No matter what you do, you don’t tap on the land tile. Save the Gecko by tapping on each water tile to move it forward and avoid the dangers in the swamp. The Gecko is trying to find its mate and its up to you to help it find her by going on a fun filled adventure. The tiled swamp will keep on coming to get you and your superior judgement and attention to notice the water will be the key in improvement of your score, It is also possible to relay on your instincts to achieve a new best and interface suggestion will also help you in the bet.


Tiny! creates it own custom swamp for every user to conquer. The goal of Tiny! in its classic mode is to reach the princess Gekko in as little time as you can. In Arcade mode, you have to display your superior skills and coordination of the speed to reach your goal. Timed mode requires attention and tapping at a trippy speed to display your smooth moves and Rush mode will bet on how fast can you tap in as little time as possible before you notice your fingers giving up on you.

Tiny! creates your own musical tone whenever you step on water. The faster you step, the rhythmic it gets so make sure that you step fast but step right or else you will drown and dye. You will soon fall in love with the musical rhyming it will relay when you do it right, Don't get us wrong... It will require your attention and it's also possible to flop and dye if you don't focus on your movement coordination. it will make you feel trippy as well but once you smooth your tapping, you will soon be addicted to the flippy flop tune, the inadvertent coming of the tiled swamp and the tune to which you will be trying to hop to. Our suggestion for you is... don't flop and dye.


Experience an interface and the smooth gameplay which has never been done before. Notice the fireflies, moving leaves, musical tone and lose yourself in the awe that Tiny! brings with it. Coordination is the key to be the superior player and attention will be your key strength in proving your mettle. It's a game where you display smooth moves or dye. Ready, Set, Tap and don’t forget to rate.




The rewards will be higher as you step faster. Save the Gekko and earn these smooth rewards:


- Jack of all - Trying all the modes at least once

- Classic Expert - Finish swamp in record time of 12.5 seconds or less


- Arcade Expert - Score more the faster you tap, get more than 350 Points or dye trying

- Timed Expert - 30 Seconds flat. Tap till you feel trippy and beat the score of 120 tile to earn this


- Rush Expert - Clock 4.75 tiles / sec or more

- Tiny Jedi - earn expert tag in all


Coming Soon



We are planning on a lot of improvement on this game will be released soon:

- Multiplayer / Bet Mode - coming really soon guys :)


- Relay Mode - reach the tiled finish within time to carry the relay mode forward

- Trippy Mode - the swamp is tiled with question marks and blinks to reveal themselves


- Flip Flop Mode - reversed mode

- Musical bonanza - Expect a lot of musical instruments to be added to the game soon


- Further Interface improvement for the Tablets

- And as always, your suggestion really makes all this possible, so keep on tapping us and rest assured that it will have superior priority over any other development getting done.


Notice for our users



The interface is magical and you will notice the superior improvement the game brings on to it's genre. The attention to detail is amazing and trippy ;), We do hope and bet the trying it took from our side will relay all the excitement of this tapping tiled game and coming to our users... we request them to review the game to tell us what more can be done for the improvement of it. Your suggestion is the key to our success and any and all possible suggestion for the interface or the gameplay would help us live up to your bet rather than flop us down :).


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