【實用工具app】Titcher Shortcut Hero|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Titcher Shortcut Hero|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Titcher Shortcut Hero-APP點子


【免費工具App】Titcher Shortcut Hero-APP點子

By default, many actions on your mobile phone are far from being an easy and efficient experience. You often have to press several keys, scroll through huge lists, and wait until an activity has loaded or a setting has changed. All this limits your productivity and makes using the device a non-pleasurable experience.

Titcher is a revolutionary new shortcut utility for your Android device. It introduces the Titcher

【免費工具App】Titcher Shortcut Hero-APP點子

Bubble, which is available from anywhere on your device. A single tap on this bubble brings up a layered carousel view with a list of customizable shortcuts. You can either swipe through this list via touching your display, or use your device's integrated orientation sensor to move through this list in a very quick and efficient way.

Titcher is optimized for one-handed use and for extra fast shortcut access. Running apps are

【免費工具App】Titcher Shortcut Hero-APP點子

pre-loaded once you iterate through the list and therefore show up immediately once you make your selection.

Continuous Improvement

【免費工具App】Titcher Shortcut Hero-APP點子

The application has been tested extensively and on various phones to ensure the best ever user experience. Further, it will be continuously improved to add even more ways of customization and shortcut access. If you nevertheless experience any difficulties or glitches while using this app, please let us know immediately. Further, we are happy to hear your ideas for improvement and will give our best integrating all complaints and wishes as soon as possible.

Titcher Pro

【免費工具App】Titcher Shortcut Hero-APP點子

The free version of Titcher comes with advertisements and few customization possibilities. If

you are convinced how great Titcher is, you will be surprised how much more awesome Titcher Pro is. You can purchase the premium upgrade straight from the app!

Permissions & Data Protection

Wi-Fi and Bluetooth admin permission needed because shortcuts can be created that are able to change Wi-Fi and Bluetooth state, i.e., turn it on or off. Internet is needed for advertisements. By downloading and using the application you agree to anonymously participate in a scientific user study on shortcut interaction.

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Titcher Shortcut Hero APP LOGO

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Titcher Shortcut Hero APP QRCode

Titcher Shortcut Hero QRCode-APP點子
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