【實用教育app】Toddler Learning Pad|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Toddler Learning Pad|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Toddler Learning Pad-APP點子

Ages 18 -36 monthsA GREAT STARTER APP FOR YOUNG TODDLERS!A prequel to the Tubby Tots "Learning Computer" for younger toddlers just on the verge of learning. The Tubby Tots characters will verbally ask your child to identify their alphabet, numbers, colors or shapes and help them build confidence while learning. A navigation free interface with a toddler-proof home button will help keep your little learner focused and on track without the distractions of advanced buttons leading to confusion with unnecessary page jumping. With the optional 3 , 9 and 12 second clue feature, you can select a time limit as to when the "Toddler Learning Pad" will provide your child a clue with a blinking button. This allows your toddler to familiarize themselves with the correct learning before increasing the time limit therefore assisting them at their own pace.There are 4 different levels to select from, alphabet, numbers, colors and shapes. Your child can also benefit by associating letters with corresponding objects and also learn counting with objects and numbers. With the "Toddler Learning Pad" your inquisitive toddler can now learn on his or her own without the worry of unwanted navigational re-directs for better focus and early education.PLEASE NOTE: There are NO ADS in this app for your children to accidentally stumble across!Instructions:Tap to begin and select your desired level.

【免費教育App】Toddler Learning Pad-APP點子

【免費教育App】Toddler Learning Pad-APP點子

【免費教育App】Toddler Learning Pad-APP點子

【免費教育App】Toddler Learning Pad-APP點子

免費玩Toddler Learning Pad APP玩免費

免費玩Toddler Learning Pad App

Toddler Learning Pad APP LOGO

Toddler Learning Pad LOGO-APP點子

Toddler Learning Pad APP QRCode

Toddler Learning Pad QRCode-APP點子
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