【實用攝影app】Together Photo|最夯免費app

【實用攝影app】Together Photo|最夯免費app


【免費攝影App】Together Photo-APP點子

Together is the easiest way to share photos ever. Whenever you and your friends are taking photos in the same place at the same time, you will get their photos and they will get yours. Here’s how it works:1)Download the app.2)Invite friends to download the app.3)Upload photos.4)Your photos AND the photos that your friends took at the same time and place will all appear in a shared folder.It’s THAT simple. You can share your photos with everyone or specific friends only. Together gives you the opportunity to get nearly every shot from every angle at every event you attend – immediately. You will never again have to ask, “Hey, can you send me those pics?” Or, “Wait, can you take one more of all us with MY phone?”FAQQ: Do my friends also need to download the app in order for this to work?A: Yes.Q: Do my friends and I need to have the same phone or tablet?A: No.Q: Do my friends and I need to have a Facebook account?A: No.Q: Will the Together app run down my battery?A: No.Q: Will I run out of space on my phone from storing so many photos?A: No.Q: Can I share photos I took before I installed the Together app?A: Yes.Q: Is this one of the greatest apps ever invented?A: Yes. And, thanks!

【免費攝影App】Together Photo-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Together Photo-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Together Photo-APP點子

【免費攝影App】Together Photo-APP點子

免費玩Together Photo APP玩免費

免費玩Together Photo App

Together Photo APP LOGO

Together Photo LOGO-APP點子

Together Photo APP QRCode

Together Photo QRCode-APP點子
App Store


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