



Have you ever felt that your teeth are home to dental problems? Ever found yourself practising that perfect smile in the mirror but too shy to ask your friends? It turns out that you are not the only one. Oral health plays an important part in our daily lives. Apart from medical problems, bad oral health can have adverse effects on our personal and social lives.

Toothpic is your window to oral health. With a mix of innovative algorithms for ranking oral cosmetics and social platforms for anonymous feedback, Toothpic gives users easy access to maintaining better oral health. Toothpic also gives users convenient access to a network of dentists to discuss any dental problems. All the more, you can view practising dentists in your neighborhood. Here is a list of Toothpic features:

Cosmetrics: We have worked with several dentists to create our dental cosmetic ranking feature called Cosmetrics (TM). It relies on machine learning algorithms and ranks you on the whiteness, cleanliness, and symmetry of teeth, and size and color of the gums.

SmileOn: Well-shaped white teeth and healthy pink gums go a long way in giving you a good smile. However, that is often not enough. The Internet is full of tips on how to smile better and more confidently. Won't it be great to be able to anonymously get feedback from total strangers on your smile? We have created this platform for you. Simply use our SmileOn feature: request a smile review by clicking a photo in our app and blurring it according to your privacy concerns. Several other users of the app will be randomly chosen to review and give feedback on your smile.

DentOpinion: Want to see a dentist but do not have the time in your busy life? Or, have been seeing a dentist but have second thoughts about the proposed treatment? That's where Dentopinion comes into picture. This feature allows you to conveniently get in touch with one of the dentists in our team. You can choose to ask your question for free, or pay a small fee for it. As soon as a dentist looks at the case and reviews it, you will be notified. In case the dentist finds the information incomplete from your side, you can add more information for free.

Dentistree: Suspect dental trouble but not sure whether you should see a dentist? Or want to educate yourself on dental problems? In consultation with several dentists, we have created an easy-to-use question form called Dentistree that helps you differentiate trouble from normality, and pinpoint the trouble if any. Use Dentistree to evaluate whether a dentist visit is pending.

Give it a try and be sure you will love Toothpic-ing!





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