



Tired of having to hunt for phone numbers just to order delivery? Looking for a better way to remember when your child’s spring program or science fair is? With TownCircle, you will have a perfect companion helping you through these moments in your day-to-day life – with one click of a button, you can get all the information you need right on your phone; then with just another click, save any important events directly into your calendar! TownCircle is a simple yet remarkably versatile app that combines the brochure and the business card and brings them both into the digital age. Anyone could login to towncircle.com/cards.html to create a TownCircle Card for FREE. He/she could then publish TownCircle QR Barcode anywhere people could see, such as printouts, store windows, menus, newspapers, magazines, handouts, posters, brochures and much more. TownCircle URL could be used to distribute TownCircle Cards digitally. A single scan of our TownCircle Barcode quickly stores businesses, schools, organizations, and local services on your phone, ready to be easily accessed at any time in the form of neatly organized TownCircle Cards. Each TownCircle Card expands to a page that provides details and allows you to call the card owner, find directions to its location, visit its website, or share the information online – all with just a touch of a button. TownCircle also displays an updated list of upcoming events, offers and coupons for that business or organization that can instantly be added straight into the calendar app on your phone. KEY FEATURES - Simple, organized, image-oriented interface that eliminates clutter - Streamlined access to all kinds of business and service information in one convenient location - Easy-to-use automatic scan function - Listings of upcoming business or organization events - Seamless interaction with your phone’s calling function, web browser, maps, and calendar app - Sharing options through e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter - Slideshow of images for each business TownCircle is ideal for: - Parents can easily keep track of events at their children’s schools or daycare centers. - Potential homebuyers find out the suggestions from their realty agents. - Look up latest arts available in local art gallery. TownCircle is a brand new app, and many folks may not have heard about us yet. If you would like to have any of your local businesses and services available to you on TownCircle, please be sure to mention us to them – it’s very simple and completely FREE for them to sign up!





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