【實用策略app】Townsmen 6 - FREE|最夯免費app

【實用策略app】Townsmen 6 - FREE|最夯免費app


【免費策略App】Townsmen 6 - FREE-APP點子

Play your part in the French Revolution!

Mobilize the population and march towards Paris to overturn the king. Conquer France's Départments by creating villages and complete the tasks set to you!

FULL FEATURED and FREE (with ads)!

Construct buildings, like fisher huts, farms, forges or bakeries to sustain a solid economic cycle. Catch fish, harvest fields, get water and use various natural resources that are needed to expand your influence. Upgrade your buildings, learn new ways to improve the productivity and spread out on the French territory. Control your Townies and assign them to different tasks to manage your settlement in the most efficient way, but respect their needs to keep them and their wives happy. Prepare the population by training soldiers and propagandists to fight the royal troops. But beware the king's wrath! He will send soldiers to attack you and to conquer your villages. Arm yourself or spread your word by propaganda, it's your choice! Show the Townettes that you are a real Townsman!


- Complex build-up strategy game

- Detailed simulation of the Townies and Townettes

- Prepare the Townsmen for the battle against the French king

- Non-linear campaign plus open-end mode

- Map generator offers infinite replay value

- Overview map for strategic decisions

- Extensive tutorial and help functions for easy access

- Cute Townsmen graphics

- Weather effects affecting game mechanics

【免費策略App】Townsmen 6 - FREE-APP點子

- Option to save progress at any time

* Xperia PLAY optimized *

supports app2sd

Recent changes:

- Added support for Xperia Play

- Added support for landscape mode on landscape devices

- Improved controls (added long press to open menus)

- Fixed a problem with not ending fights

- Tweaked some game mechanics

- Changed More Games system


Fixed corrupt graphics on Motorola Xoom and other tablets

Fixed a bug in the user interface when sending troops

Content rating: Everyone

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香港 Hong KongAndroid
Google Play



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推翻那部落 NEW復仇限定版

※ 遊戲特色 ※- 成為帝國領主,開採發展城鎮,建造魔法軍隊- 與成千上萬的競爭者,一起進行資源搶奪戰- 與志同道合的戰友們組成軍團,互相援助各種兵力- 魔幻大陸的每一寸領土都能佔領,擴張城池- 對抗亡靈聚集而成的邪惡勢力,聯手保衛家園- 【獨創】殖民系統:奪取對手資源後,繼續剝削- 【獨創】幸運祈 …