【實用通訊app】Track My Phone|最夯免費app

【實用通訊app】Track My Phone|最夯免費app


【免費通訊App】Track My Phone-APP點子

Track My Phone application helps you control and operate your mobile remotely. You can get the location of your mobile, make the siren play loud, send a message to your mobile, call a number, make it vibrate for 5 sec, and even take pic remotely and email pics to your email ID. All this you can do even when your mobile is not with you.

*** Kindly note that to Uninstall the app you need to deactivate admin privileges that you have provided to the app. To do that, you need to open the app and click on deactivate button and then uninstall ***

All you need to do is follow these steps

1. Install the app in your mobile

2. Register by providing an email ID and PIN (no spam mails guaranteed).

3. Log in at http://trackmyphones.com/tmp (tmp for Track My Phone) providing the same email ID and PIN

That's it. Your mobile is now ready to be tracked remotely. All the features are totally free for eternity.

What all things you can do remotely using this app?

1. Vibrate - vibrates your mobile for 5 seconds

【免費通訊App】Track My Phone-APP點子

2. Ring Loud - even when the volume of the mobile is low, a siren will be played with full volume

3. Scare - puts a scary pic on the mobile for 3 seconds along with a screaming voice

4. Show message - displays a message text composed by you on the screen

5. Call - calls the number from the mobile

6. Get Location - gets the current location of the device and displays it using Google Maps

【免費通訊App】Track My Phone-APP點子

7. Take pic from front/back camera. The pic will be emailed to your registered email address.

8. Lock your device. This needs admin privileges.

9. Change PIN of your device. This also needs admin privileges.

Wonder how these features are useful? Read on...

1. Imagine you forgot where you have kept your phone. In the bathroom? Kitchen? Just log into our website and click on the "Ring Loud" button. A siren will go off and you will know where exactly your phone is.

2. Worried when you lose your cell? Just log in to the site and make a call to another number. Answer that another number and you can listen to whatever the thief is speaking. Or just get the location of the device and you can keep track of your mobile. And when you are close the place, just play "Ring Loud"

【免費通訊App】Track My Phone-APP點子

3. Want to know where your kids are? Just install this app in your child's phone and you can get the location info instantly.

4. Just want to scare someone for fun. Just give the mobile to your friend and use the scare option.

The permissions used are for making the above feature (apart from ads) work. Not for anything else.

【免費通訊App】Track My Phone-APP點子

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免費玩Track My Phone App

Track My Phone APP LOGO

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