【實用生活app】Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse!|最夯免費app

【實用生活app】Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse!|最夯免費app


【免費生活App】Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse!-APP點子

*** Top Finance App in the US and UK *** Redesigned for iOS 7 & iPad! We love simplicity, and 'Track My Spending' makes keeping track of your money simpler. We used a lot of the other money tracking apps out there and thought there was too much clutter. Our app gives you all that you need to stay on top of your cash flow…nothing more, nothing less. So If you're looking for a clean, intuitive and powerful way to manage your finances, then this app is for you, because why make it more complicated that it needs to be? FEATURES **Seamless iCloud Sync, it just works! ** Unique 'Slide to reveal menu', giving you more room for the important stuff ** Easily set up Recurring Incomes/Expenses ** Quick and easy entry system ** Interactive and animated Pie Chart, giving you a birds eye view of your spending ** Custom Category Addition ** Weekly or Monthly Budget Set up ** Passcode Protection ** CSV Data Export ** Automatic Local Currency Detection ** Comes with sample data to get you started ** Gorgeous minimalist design & More many more features to come in upcoming updates (iCloud Backup, Dropbox Integration, PDF reports and more)

【免費生活App】Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse!-APP點子

【免費生活App】Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse!-APP點子

【免費生活App】Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse!-APP點子

【免費生活App】Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse!-APP點子

【免費生活App】Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse!-APP點子

【免費生活App】Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse!-APP點子

【免費生活App】Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse!-APP點子

【免費生活App】Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse!-APP點子

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免費玩Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse! App

Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse! APP LOGO

Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse! LOGO-APP點子

Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse! APP QRCode

Track My Spending FREE | Manage the money in your accounts, wallet or purse! QRCode-APP點子
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