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【實用生產應用app】Tracker Pro Mobile|最夯免費app


【免費生產應用App】Tracker Pro Mobile-APP點子

Tracker Pro Mobile allows your mobile service engineers to manage all their jobs while on the move, viewing jobs booked, schedule in emergency jobs, taking a customer’s signature upon job completion, recording materials & hours used, processing credit card payments and entering test results on their iPhone.Tracker Pro Mobile allows your service engineers to manage their jobs and quotations on the move without the need to return to the office for paperwork.It synchronises with the office Tracker Pro job management system allowing all jobs, appointments and information to be efficiently passed from the office to the engineer and back with details of work undertaken by the engineer .The screens and data entry are intuitive with the ability to view jobs in a list or within a diary allowing the engineer to easily retrieve the details and then log work undertaken.Upon completing work , your engineer can take a signature from the customer, store pictures of the completed job, enter test results, process a payment from the customer and then synchronise all the information back to the office database with ease. Should an emergency call out late at night be received, they can check the customer contract status on Tracker Pro Mobile before deciding if the visit should be charged for.Features of Tracker Pro Mobile Contains a diary showing all jobs, quotations & other activities for the engineer.Contains a listing of all customer’s details.Contains a listing of all installation details and contracts.Customer signature screen to allow the customer to sign for the work undertaken .Credit card payment screen, processing with immediate online payment authorisation.The engineer can take pictures of the job or quotation and send back to the database on the next synchronise.Test results can be entered and sent to the customer upon completion. The engineer can enter parts & materials used which are subsequently priced for invoicing in Tracker Pro.An engineer can undertake a quotation survey, entering the parts & materials required which are automatically priced in Tracker Pro .The engineer can easily create and record new jobs while on the go. Easily synchronise all information back to the office Tracker Pro office database.

【免費生產應用App】Tracker Pro Mobile-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】Tracker Pro Mobile-APP點子

【免費生產應用App】Tracker Pro Mobile-APP點子

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