【實用工具app】Train Counter|最夯免費app

【實用工具app】Train Counter|最夯免費app


【免費工具App】Train Counter-APP點子

A utility for quickly counting up your train scores in the popular board game 'Ticket to Ride'.If you play the game like we do, then you're probably used to tallying up everyone's trains at the end of the game to get the final score. This app allows you to do that super-fast, and error-free.Includes a validation check that allows you to avoid re-counts (by comparing the train cars counted, to those used), and distinct audible sounds for each button making it simple for the person doing the counting — and those around them — to validate the input as it's happening. Together these features mean you'll never have to do a re-count.---How to use the validation check (completely optional): once you're done counting, the app tells you the total number of train cars used in addition to your score (e.g. 44 cars). On the standard board each person has 48 cars. Simply deduct the number counted (in this example, 44), from the starting number (i.e. 48), and compare the result with how many cars you didn't use (so in this example, there should be 4 unused car). If the number doesn't match, you need to count it up again (or, your set is missing a piece!).Please Note: neither the app Train Counter, nor the publisher William Denniss is affiliated with Days of Wonder or Ticket to Ride in any way. This is just an app made by one fan, to help all the other fans out there.

【免費工具App】Train Counter-APP點子

【免費工具App】Train Counter-APP點子

【免費工具App】Train Counter-APP點子

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Train Counter APP QRCode

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美國 (U.S.A)iOS
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