【實用教育app】Tuition Tab|最夯免費app

【實用教育app】Tuition Tab|最夯免費app


【免費教育App】Tuition Tab-APP點子

Track tuition wasted by professors!http://www.loganmooreapps.comFeatures*Add your classes*Enter your tuition info*Track tuition costs per second*Class canceled option*Send an invoice to your universityWe all heard about the 5 minute rule as incoming freshmen, yet we soon learned there was no such thing. After years of having my valuable time and money wasted by professors that repeatedly canceled class and were always 5 or 10 minutes late for class I decided to write Tuition Tab.Now granted I'm never sad when class is canceled, I still wouldn't mind getting reimbursed for class time I paid for and didn't get.Tuition Tab allows you to track professor tardiness and the number of classes canceled throughout the semester.It gives you a running total of how late the professor is and how much of your money they have wasted.At the end of the semester there is a send invoice option, that will provide you with a detailed list of date, time late and cost along with a total cost. You may then send the email to your professor or university.This app works with iphones and ipod touches and includes iOS 4 multitasking.Check your university website for tuition information.Monetary reimbursement is not guaranteed, however we would love to hear if your professor or university reimburses you!

【免費教育App】Tuition Tab-APP點子

【免費教育App】Tuition Tab-APP點子

【免費教育App】Tuition Tab-APP點子

【免費教育App】Tuition Tab-APP點子

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