【實用休閒app】Tummy Surgery Doctor|最夯免費app

【實用休閒app】Tummy Surgery Doctor|最夯免費app


【免費休閒App】Tummy Surgery Doctor-APP點子

You can hear the ambulance sirens coming from far away, some girl has eaten something real bad and has been clumsy in her diet. It's time for her stomach surgery,

It’s time to perform the most virtual stomach operation on your patient; the ambulance has brought your patient to the hospital. Her tummy, abdomen and intestines are hurting badly and they need a virtual operation straight away.

Play an amazing mini game in the start where you have to place all the surgical products in the right boxes and place them properly.

Wipe of all the germs and dirt on her stomach to operate and cure her pain. After that you would have to work with a lot of machinery and surgical items to perform this operation. You are the expert doctor in town and it’s up to you to operate her stomach, kidney and liver. Use amazing x-ray machines to check that where the germs are located and where the problem has occurred. Now you would have to perform a surgical procedure depending what the injury is and where they have occurred.

In this great surgery game you will also learn how to operate and carry out a stomach operation by opening up her tummy and fixing the exact right organs within. You want your patient to eat candies and burgers again straight away after the pain are healed. Play the amazing flappy pill game where you have to eat all the germs and monsters in her tummy. Play other mini games as well where you have to clean all the germs and monsters with different vacuums and machinery. You will find a lot of lollipops, candies and burgers in the stomach which needs cleaning up.

Little scars and ripped skin can be cured easily with bandages but make sure about the germs here and how can they be cured. Zoom into your patient’s stomach and check that are there still germs there? If not clean them up by shooting with the most amazing laser ever, this laser is used by every surgeon in town.

Now that your stomach, kidney and liver are cured, place your patient on to the stretcher and find her a bed within the hospital. Your celebrity is cured and everyone wants to take pictures and selfies with her. O yes a lot of selfies


- Ambulance scene- It carries the patient to the hospital

- X ray scene- Detect where the germs are in your stomach.

- Virtual Surgery scene – Operate your patient and sew her up with stitches

- Surgical machinery – Use different surgical machinery and open her stomach, kidney and liver.

- Flappy Pill - jump around in the intestines and eat all the monsters and germs.

- Place items - place surgical materials in the boxes, so you can operate.

Wait for more from witty apps.

【免費休閒App】Tummy Surgery Doctor-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Tummy Surgery Doctor-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Tummy Surgery Doctor-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Tummy Surgery Doctor-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Tummy Surgery Doctor-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Tummy Surgery Doctor-APP點子

【免費休閒App】Tummy Surgery Doctor-APP點子

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