【實用解謎app】Twelve Zodiac|最夯免費app

【實用解謎app】Twelve Zodiac|最夯免費app


【免費解謎App】Twelve Zodiac-APP點子

The Twelve Zodiac is a time restricted three-round horoscope matching game, featuring the twelve symbol of zodiac in year.. The first round in this cool horoscope matching game is 100 seconds.. After each winning game the time limit is reduced by 10 seconds while the quantity of zodiac symbol still remain, which mean that you have to improve your time very round..

Another thrilling feature to the Twelve Zodiac that makes it even more awesome then just a matching game is you must find the icons that link together in some way.. When you make a linked match of the horoscope, the link will remove the horoscope pair..

【免費解謎App】Twelve Zodiac-APP點子

You can get some help along the way. You can use the REFRESH button 3 times, and this will mixes up the remaining zodiac symbols so it is easier to find linking matches.. You can also use the FIND button 3 times, and this will find the matching links for you..

This horoscope matching game is simple and addictive, but its a bit harder to win than you think!! Great game for kids as well as adults who like challenges..

【免費解謎App】Twelve Zodiac-APP點子

Have fun!!! And don't forget to write a review!


【免費解謎App】Twelve Zodiac-APP點子

After every round, whether you loss or win, do clicks the ads icon so that we can make more interesting game..

【免費解謎App】Twelve Zodiac-APP點子

免費玩Twelve Zodiac APP玩免費

免費玩Twelve Zodiac App

Twelve Zodiac APP LOGO

Twelve Zodiac LOGO-APP點子

Twelve Zodiac APP QRCode

Twelve Zodiac QRCode-APP點子
Google Play


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