【實用家庭片app】Ultimate Catch Phrase|最夯免費app

【實用家庭片app】Ultimate Catch Phrase|最夯免費app


【免費家庭片App】Ultimate Catch Phrase-APP點子

Ready for some fun at your next group or party? Then this is the game for you! Similar to Catch Phrase™ by Hasbro Inc., this is a fun filled, fast guessing game that will keep everyone laughing and entertained.

You give your team clues as fast as you can until they guess the word or phrase correctly. Then you give the phone to the next team. At the end of the round, all teams EXCEPT the team holding the phone gets a point.

Ultimate Phrase is a fun, interactive game that can be played by people of all ages. If you like Party Word games like Catch Phrase™, Taboo™, Scattergories™ or Charades then this is the app for you!

App comes pre-loaded with 4 general categories and hundreds of phrases. Additional fun packs can be downloaded.


【免費家庭片App】Ultimate Catch Phrase-APP點子

* 2 to 4 teams can play at the same time

* Round length can be set from 1 minute to 3 minutes

* Points per game can be set from 5 to 15

* By default, phrases are NOT repeated so you get fresh words each time (this can be turned off)

* Timer can be turned off to make the game more exciting

【免費家庭片App】Ultimate Catch Phrase-APP點子

* Various sounds to enhance game play

* Ability to pause a game

* You can view the previous clue (game will automatically be paused)

* In the event of score dispute, team scores can be manually changed

Catch Phrase™ is a registered trademark of Hasbro Inc. This app is not affiliated with, nor endorsed by, Hasbro and should not be confused with their product, Catch Phrase™.

【免費家庭片App】Ultimate Catch Phrase-APP點子

Please rate our app in the Google Play store.

We are operated by SplashPad Mobile, a top Android app developer. Your app experience is important to us. If you encounter any problems or issues, email support@splashpadmobile.com for a direct response.

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