【實用遊戲app】Ultimate Symbol Quiz|最夯免費app

【實用遊戲app】Ultimate Symbol Quiz|最夯免費app


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★★★ Top App Game ★★★★★★ Best Popular Quiz ★★★★★★ Numerous Ultimate Symbols ★★★★★★ Recommended by Best10Apps.com ★★★Hey, your great chance is coming!!! To challenge and recognize the enormous number of symbols from all over the world! Are you ready to play the most awesome quiz game on iPhone and iPad?Challenge yourself on one of the most comprehensive collection of symbols (500+) including not only international and US brands, but also countries flags, the famous places of some countries, food brand symbols, car brand symbols, fashion cloth and shoes brand symbols and so on . This is a game that test how well do you know the symbols of countries, famous places, flags, brands or corporations that you see or use everyday. Sounds exciting, right?It’s really a great honor for us to provide this great Symbols Quiz game for all logo fans. There are totally 6 free levels for 220+ symbols for you to guess and challenge. You will be unlock the next level by passing through 60% logos in the previous level. If you have no idea what the logo name is, you can always use a bomb to blow it away. This will not only provide more fun, also a excellent way to relax, chill and play! We will add more logos and more features in future and those updates will be free if you own the game. Don’t forget to share with your friends and hope you be the first one go to the TOP level! ^_^☆☆☆☆☆☆ Features ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Easy controls!☆ Complete utilization of your iPhone and iPod features!☆ Symbols of Famous Places in the world!☆ Buy bombs and blow up the extra words!☆ Save you liked in FAVORITES!☆ Ask your friends for help via Facebook☆ Share your every achievement via Twitter or Facebook!☆ Adequate Time-wasting Game!☆ Constant updates of New Logos!☆ Super fast loading!Make sure to contact us if you have good ideas for this Symbols Quiz Game! :)Thanks for all your support. More symbols updates are on the way! Thanks for your downloading!☆☆☆☆ Disclaimer ☆☆☆☆☆All symbols shown or represented in this quiz are copyright and or trademark of their respective corporations.Please note company or events symbols are protected by copyright and/or trademark registration. We believe the use of low resolution brand images in this quiz for the use of identification in a positive and informational context qualifies as fair use under copyright law. Any other usage of symbols elsewhere may be copyright infringement.

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【免費遊戲App】Ultimate Symbol Quiz-APP點子

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